Graduate Council Officers

William Maurizio '94

William Maurizio '94

Graduate Council President

VP, Operations and Information Technology at NRM Capital Group
 Gardner Low '93

Gardner Low '93

Graduate Council Treasurer

Matthew Hillebrand '94

Matthew Hillebrand '94

Graduate Council Secretary

Principal Partner at Don’s Appliances

Housing Corporation

Adam Slade '93

Adam Slade '93

Housing Corporation President

Founder and Owner of Build A Home & US Mortgage Network

Faculty Advisors

Dr. Jesse Ligo Jr. '82

Dr. Jesse Ligo Jr. '82

Faculty Advisor

Professor of Accounting at Westminster College, Licensed CPA


Dr. Patrick Krantz

Dr. Patrick Krantz

Faculty Advisor

Professor of Environmental Science, Director, Outdoor Laboratory

BOG Advisors

Marc Harkins '00

Marc Harkins '00

BOG Chairman

Aaron Wilson '17

Aaron Wilson '17

Chapter Advisor

Automotive Salesman
Andy Swogger '99

Andy Swogger '99

Risk Management Advisor

Andy Olphin '08

Andy Olphin '08

Alumni Advisor

Shane Swigart '12

Shane Swigart '12

Recruitment Advisor

Brian Hardy '96

Brian Hardy '96

Financial Advisor

Jon Rhoads '13

Jon Rhoads '13

Financial Advisor

Alumni A-Z

First Name Last Name Class
David Abram 57
David Acheson 70
Colin Agner 12
David Alesio 83
Jackson Alexander 24
Trey Alkire 20
Michael Allen
Richard Allhusen
Donald Almes 62
Gary Altman 76
Robert Amsdell 62
Joshua Anderson 08
Robert Apel 95
Michael Aque 88
Mark Armel
Nathan Arnold
Mark Arriola 86
Andrew Askins
John Atkins 68
Shawn Augustson
John Babbitt 54
Jack Backstrom 83
Thomas Backus 98
David Baglia 84
Cameron Bailey 16
Thomas Bailey 96
David Baird 79
Adam Baker 10
Kurt Baker
Meredyth Ball 92
Brian Ball 99
Geoffrey Balla 03
Roy Bamford 76
Roger Baney 79
Marcus Bantel 96
Jeremy Barbati 13
Joseph Barber 16
Mitchell Barclay
James Barker 61
Charles Barker
Jack Barkley 68
Jay Barkley 99
Christopher Barnabei 05
David Barnhart 78
James Baron 03
Brian Baron 85
Bradley Barris
Craig Barrow 70
Jonathan Bates 24
Christopher Baugh 96
Andrew Baugh 99
Edward Baum 63
Matthew Baurle 16
James Beatty 79
Allan Beck 65
Charles Bender 68
Stephen Bendig 15
Corey Benedict 14
Vincent Benincasa 89
Alexander Bennett 15
Charles Bens 87
Keith Bensing 80
Bradley Berlin 93
Matthew Biamonte 15
Garvey Biggers 22
Thomas Bish 74
Keith Bitar 71
Alexander Black 72
John Blackburn 67
John Blewitt 73
J. Blome 82
Jason Blose
Christopher Blumhard 77
Ronald Blystone 66
Randy Bobbert 85
Michael Bocchine
Robert Bodycombe 72
Scott Bogart 80
Nathan Bohach 13
George Boling 70
David Bonacci
James Bonetti 12
Andrew Borts 10
Thomas Bost 74
H. Bowersox 62
Robert Bowersox 66
Bruce Bowker 60
Terran Boyd 62
Robert Boyd 70
Dean Boyle 79
Nathaniel Boyle 85
David Boyle 86
Justin Brandt 19
Harvey Brate 66
William Braund 57
Douglas Brady 24
Timothy Brennan 91
Michael Brilla 23
Timothy Brooks 79
Jonathan Brooks
Ronald Brown 03
Peter Brown 76
Vincent Brown 89
Donald Brown
Robert Brownlee 85
David Buchanon
David Buchowski 81
Richard Buckman 75
Jeremy Burgo 96
William Burig 80
Joseph Burns 86
Jonathan Bursich 05
Nathaniel Burtt
Michael Busak 85
John Busch 98
Gary Butler 83
Joshua Butcher 24
Noel Calhoun 74
Carl Campbell 79
Frederick Canning 69
Connor Carbonneau 20
Daryl Care 84
Bradley Care
Paul Carfagna 62
Douglas Carlson
William Carlton 67
Terry Carnahan 65
J Carnahan
Christopher Caroff 17
David Carothers 75
Donald Carpenter 65
Kenneth Carr 60
Thomas Carr 68
Michael Carson 86
Graham Carter 71
James Caskey
Christopher Castle 90
Paul Caswell 92
Scott Cauvel 88
Joseph Certo 66
William Chambers 67
Todd Chambers 89
David Chapnell 90
Vinh Chau
Max Chen 99
Devin Cheplic 19
Andrew Chiapusio
Eric Chisholm 92
Thomas Cho 14
Matthew Christ 13
Carl Christofano 75
Gregory Clark 14
Crea Clark 54
Donald Clark 99
David Clark
Robert Clark
George Cleland 66
Christopher Clelland 90
Wallace Clements 73
Reid Clifford 60
Christopher Clune
Steven Coco 88
Jeffrey Coey 69
Leonard Cole 06
William Cole 71
Stephen Coleman 80
Arthur Coller
Grant Colton 63
Victor Colvin
Lawrence Conklin 89
G. Conley 84
Randy Conti 85
Anthony Conti
William Cook 65
Eugene Cook 73
Thomas Cooke 62
G. Cooper 67
David Cooper 72
David Cooper 89
Robert Copeland 70
Todd Corey 12
Christopher Corradini 88
Keith Corso 84
Michael Cosgrove 02
Brian J. Cosgrove 12
Philip Cox 64
Philip Cox 97
R. Coyle 81
C. Craig 65
Bryce Craig 70
William Craig 92
Michael Crawford 12
William Crawford 70
John Cress 97
Frank Crispin 69
William Cross
Robert Crudden 66
Jay Crumbacher
George Culp 68
Joshua Cunic 01
Robert Curry 67
Robert Cypher 80
Daniel Dailey 05
Gregory Dale 96
Edward Daley 84
Geoffrey Dalglish 85
Matthew Data
William Daugherty 69
Darrell Davies 70
David Davis 08
David Davis 08
Thomas Davis 61
Arthur Davis 63
Edwin Davis 76
Jeffrey Davis 79
Gary Davis 81
Marcus Dawson 97
Douglas Day 88
Colin Dean 07
Scott Dean
David J. Dean III 09
Gary DeBaldo 09
Dante Dechellis
Joshua Decker 97
Matthew Deegan
Stephen Degenhardt 90
James Degnan 99
Jason DeGruttola 91
Kenneth Del Palazzo
Nathaniel Delk 12
Philip Deluce 84
Zachary Dernar 16
Drew Dershimer 88
Chance Derugen-Toomey 14
William Deverill 66
H Dewitt
Scott Dick 85
Marc Dickson 81
Andrew Didio 14
David Diercksen 74
Robert Dietrich
Cort Dietz
Thomas Dill 82
David Dillman 66
Gregory Dillon 88
Craig Dimon 72
Raymond Dinkel 90
Brian Dinley 94
Ralph Dise 74
Michael Disotell 11
Gabriel Diulus 24
Nicholas Divjak 10
Kevin Dobbins 04
David Dobbins 04
Patrick Dolan 90
William Dolton 70
John Doncaster 60
Douglas Dougherty
David Douglas 73
David Downing 73
Brandon Drake 95
Robert Drewery
Robert Drummond 96
Zach Dublin 20
Patrick Dudas
Barry Duerk 68
Mark Duerr 86
John Duff 76
Timothy Dugan 75
Raymond Dunham 65
G. Dunmyre 82
Wilson Durisko 99
John Dykstra 88
Alexander Earp 17
William Eavenson 73
Raymond Eckert 63
Boyd Edmondson 81
Herbert Edwards 76
John Edwards
Larry Ehret 91
David Ekimoff 76
E. Ellis 65
Bruce Engelman 81
John Ericson
Peter Ernharth 97
J. Esposito 80
John Evans 97
James Everson 89
Edwin Ewing 65
Trevor Fawley 97
Trevor Fawley
Ryan Felter 23
Gordon Ferm 63
David Ferry 68
Dylan Figiel 14
John Filar 74
Keith Filbert
James Finch 87
David Finney 74
Robert Finney 74
Donald Fishback 78
Donald Fisher 72
Eric Fisher 84
William Fitts 73
Joseph Flaugher 56
Jeffrey Flecken 80
David Flinn 90
Todd Flyte 80
Jeffrey Fontaine 80
Thomas Fontanella 71
Jordan Fore 24
Robert Forsberg 62
Robert Forsberg
Glenn Forsythe 61
Christopher Fox 93
Arthur Francis
Glenn Frantz 82
Wesley Freeburg
Russell Freed
Robert Freil 97
John Freund 93
Brian Friday 93
Brian Friday
Louis Anthony Friello 15
William Fulmer 64
Robert Funk 76
Peter Galbraith 80
Sean Gallagher 04
Benjamin Gandolfi 12
Gary Gardner 58
William Gardner 97
William Garvin 67
Douglas Geiger 81
Michael Gentile 92
Paul George 62
Stephen Gestrich 89
Harry Gierhart 71
P. Giles 84
Douglas Gilkey 89
Keith Gillette 86
Shawn Gilliland 95
Tom Ging 63
Frank Giove 73
Jacob Gleason 02
Clyde Goldbach 74
James Goldbach 76
Grace Gollinger 00
Gregory Gollinger
Scott Gongaware 82
Jeffrey Gonzales 97
Jason Gonzales 99
Russell Good 05
Brian Goodman 87
Stephen Gould 74
Ronald Govenor
Dylan B. Graff Esq 11
Frank Greco 82
Scott Greenawalt 85
Thomas Greggs-Edwards 95
Christopher Gregory 90
Corbin Griest 13
John Grube 79
Thomas Gysegem 81
Kirk Haldeman 82
J. Halmi 80
Edward Halusic 75
John Hamilton 66
Chad Hamilton 97
William Hammerton 66
Alexander Haney 17
Brian Hardy 96
Eric Hardy 78
Marc Harkins 00
Tracy Harmon 08
Orville Harris 58
Terry Hart 75
Harold Hartley
Eric Harvey 02
J. Harvey 62
Ryan Harvey 99
Wayne Haskell 65
Eric Hathaway 91
John Haugh 62
John Hauser
Jason Hays 01
W. Hazen 83
Scott Hazen 88
Lauris Hazlett 62
John Heckerl 56
Roy Heid 89
Jeffrey Heidkamp 89
Robert Heller 17
Douglas Henderson 62
Tedford Hendrickson 73
Craig Hennemuth 81
John Herbert 85
Zachary Herndon 19
W. Hershey 65
Todd Hervey 94
Larry Hess 67
Douglas Hill 76
Matthew Hillebrand 94
Nicholas Hillebrand
William Hilliard 82
Roger Hindman 73
Jordan Hinds 06
Alexander Hines 08
Christopher Hixenbaugh 06
Hunter Hoag 24
Paul Hogsett
John Holensworth 71
Erin Holiday 86
Eric Holmberg 92
Robert Holroyd 63
R. Holtz 68
Jeremy Hoover 12
Creighton Hoover 88
Daniel Hopkins 80
Mark Howell 79
William Hrindac 58
Paul Hritz 89
Amy Hruby 90
Jonah W. Hubauer 22
W. Huber 81
Donald Hudson 56
Nathan Hughes 23
Robert Hull 60
Mitchell Humphrey 82
Mike Hunt 00
Robert Hunt 60
John Hurlebaus 85
Joel Hurt 92
Matthew Hutcheson 87
Michael Hutkowski 72
Jeffery Hutzler 65
Gregory Illig 88
Eric Ives 97
David Ivill 80
Thomas Jackson 72
Douglas Jacobs 78
James Jacobs
Tad Jacobs
Chester James 81
Rolf Janke 80
Judy Janke 81
Benjamin Jarrett 08
S. Jenks 63
Robert Jewell 80
Bernard Jim 88
Alec Johnson 10
Gary Johnson 79
William Johnston 72
Wilber Jones 62
Philip Jones 61
Richard Jones 82
Daniel Jones
Thomas Jones
John Jordan 77
Christopher Kairys 76
Daniel Karnes
Frank Keiser 89
Hugh Kells 63
Nicholas Kemerer 04
Bruce Kennedy 61
Karl Kennedy 70
William Kennedy 70
D. Kerr 71
Theodore Kerr 93
David Kester 81
Karl Kiessling 65
Bryan Kile 65
Michael Killian 89
Robert Kimple 59
E. King 60
Herbert King 74
Barry Kirby
Douglas Kirk 92
James Kirk 78
R. Kirschler 63
Michael Kiryk
Peter Kispert 72
Keith Kitterman 70
Geoff Klein 12
John Klein 84
Hugh Knapp 97
Jay Knauer 83
Todd Knaus
Roger Knecht 73
William Kness 57
Charles Knox
Brian Kocian 03
Paul Koenig 79
Paul Kohler 82
Mark Alan Kopper 90
Jeffrey Korsan 05
Nicholas Korzon
Preston Koster 68
Anthony Krance 99
John Kress
Robert Kuhnert 78
Jason Kunkle 95
Timothy Kunselman 79
Thomas Kurtz 76
Andrew Kyrargyros 12
Troy LaCorte 13
James Laczkowski 85
Michael Laffin 88
Peter Lai King 81
Steven Lamkin 83
Alec Lander 20
David Lane 80
Kenneth Langford 74
Thomas Lantzas 77
Jayneil Latham-Mason 24
Ryan Lattin 15
Wayne Laubach 66
Chris Lawton 87
Steve Lee 90
Peter Lefferts 78
David Leith 68
Thomas Lejeune
James Leon 20
Michael Leone 84
David Leukhardt
Todd Lewis 87
John Lhommedieu
Lee Libert
John Liddell
Robert Lienhard 66
Bryan Lightbody 84
Jesse Ligo 82
Arthur Lindgren 68
Terry Lindsay 83
Jeff Line 90
John Linkosky 82
Charles Lisella 24
David Livingston 58
Anthony LoBianco 95
William Lockhart 63
David Loebell 81
John Loeffler
Brenton Long 72
Jeffrey Long 86
Gardner Low 93
Timothy Lucas
Daniel Lugar 71
Ryan Lulla 11
Myron Luthringer 82
David Lutz
Patrick Lydon 70
James Lyle 86
Maryanne Lynch Cunningham 79
Jerry Lyon 83
Jeffrey Machi 91
Joseph A. Mack 11
William Mackaly 68
Michael Mackins 96
David MacLeod 77
Brandon L. Madison Didnt
Scott Magnuson 79
Robert Mallery 66
Carl Malliard 97
Michael Mann
David Margraf 77
Gregory Marquis
Robert Martens
Barry Martin 80
Byron Martin
Clarence Martin
Julian Martinez 14
Thomas Martwinski 85
Keith Mason 79
Terry Massaro 76
Michael Massey 83
Richard Matthews 93
John Matyasovsky 98
H Maul
Bill Maurer 53
Timothy Maurer 83
William Maurizio 94
William May 81
Thomas May 81
Christopher Mazur 19
John McCall 60
Robert McCandless 13
Thomas McChesney 79
Matthew McClelland 05
Hunter McClevish 12
W. McCombs 87
Jared McConkey 04
Robert McConnell 53
Terry McConnell 76
John McCoy 82
Andrew McCoy 88
Richard McCracken 76
Scott McCracken 85
Ross McCune 96
Howard McDowell 67
Jack McGaughey 63
Gerald McGee 64
Robert McGee 73
Justin McGhee
Jon McGill 68
Gene McGill 70
Gary McGrath 77
Timothy McIntire
Jeffrey McKinley 91
Douglas McKinney 80
Keith McKissock 88
James McLaughlin 57
David McLaughlin 63
Jeffrey McLhinney 76
Douglas McMahon 07
Edwin McMeans 66
J. McMillan 80
Andrew McMurray 12
John McMurtry
Scott McPherson 82
Andrew McWilliams 78
Christopher Meade 90
John Meckley
Keith Meckley
Joseph Medianowsky- Macomber 08
Theodore Melzer
Benjamin Mentzer 06
James Merdian 87
Ronald Metzger 75
Andrew Miller 14
Austin D. Miller 18
James Miller 63
Marc Miller 88
Donald Miller 90
Brian Miller
Richard Milliron 84
Eric Mills 17
Richard Mills 76
Logan Minch 22
Scott Mitchell 68
Dale Mitchell 75
Nathan Mitchell
Thomas Molnar
Michael Monahan 79
Kyle Monteleone 18
John Moore 82
Melvin Moorhouse
McClain Moredock 62
John Moritz
Jeffrey Morris 89
James Morris
Roger Morrison 62
James Morrison 73
Jason Morse 98
David Mosch 84
Edward Moses 71
Brendan Moulton 12
Brendan Moulton
Kevin Mroz 14
Kyle Mucroski 18
Nico Murano 17
Robert Murphy 86
Jason Murphy 99
Jeffrey Murray 81
Maxwell Muska 10
John Nagy 09
John Napolitan 66
Stephen Nardozzi 76
G. Nebel 72
Ethan Nejad 24
Richard Nelson 63
David Nesbit 79
C. Newmeyer 74
Edward Newmeyer
Steven Nicklas 81
David Nies 76
Jason Nolan
Ronald Norton 68
Timothy O’Leary 69
Colin O’Malley 24
John O’Neil 81
Matthew Oberlin
Richard Ollinger 74
Andrew Olphin 08
Miles Olson 70
Eric Orme
Harry Osborne 56
Michael Oskin 81
Luther Ott 77
Jacob Overdorff 10
Dakota Page
Floyd Painter 88
William Pakulski 70
Robert Palisin 59
Cameron Park 14
Michael Parker
Thomas Parlette 58
William Parry 04
Nicholas Pasquarello 24
Brian Patterson 99
Thomas Patterson 55
Robert Patterson 61
Keith Patterson 68
Eric Patton 10
PJ Pearson 03
Arthur Pearson 04
Wayne Peel 80
Michael Pelini 04
Garrett Pence 11
Jason Pero 99
Pete Peterson 76
Philip Petraglia 83
Anthony Pezzelle 13
Scott Pfluger 81
Douglas Phillips 77
David Piccioli 87
Steven Pickering
Erich C. Piglman 98
Daniel Pihlblad 02
Nicholas Pizzuto 14
John Polacok 87
William Porter 82
Douglas Potter 92
Jason Potts 12
Jeffrey Potts 82
Kevin Powers 86
Timothy Powers 87
Douglas Price
Bert Pritchard 96
Douglas Rab 08
John Radinsky 96
Samuel Rameas 94
Richard Rang 76
Michael Ratzlaff
John Reed 56
David Reed 58
William Reed 63
Robert Reinsel 66
William Repack 61
Jonathan Rhoads 13
Stephen Rhoton 96
Michael Rich 76
Sean Richards 20
Jeffrey Richards 78
Mark Riethmuller 78
James Rile 89
John Robb 53
Erik Robbins
Edward Robison 83
John Rodgers 81
Matthew Rodjom 03
Carlos Rodriguez 15
J. Roppa 75
Stephen Rowland 70
Paul Rowland 75
Daniel Rucker 99
Kenneth Rugh 01
Mark Ruppert 78
John Rush 87
Kevin Rush 05
Daniel Rutkowski 13
John Ryniawec 12
Mark Saglimben 83
Michael Saglimben 85
Mark Salamon 17
Joseph Salisbury 55
Anthony Santarelli 11
August Santillo 14
Kennard Santschi 76
Ryan Sargent 11
David Sarver 73
David Schiffer
Dale Schlafer 63
Bradford Schmidt 85
Peter Schmidt 91
John Louis Schmidt 55
A. Schmitthenner 77
Stefan Schneider 10
Andrew Schneider 96
Joel Schoneveld 88
Stephen Schooley
Kenneth Schrag 99
Keith Schrag
Zach Schramm
John Schreck 79
Douglas Schreck 81
Kurt Schroeder 84
Aaron Schulman 97
Kenneth Schulz 02
Donald Scott 59
Harold Scott 73
R. Seaboch 75
Donald Seaman 87
Shane Seely 95
Michael Seethaler 76
Noah Seinkner 20
Kevin Seitz
Willett Seltenheim 68
Jon Seltenheim 75
David Settlemire 80
Adam Seymour 14
Jonathan Shaffer 23
Michael Shaffo 76
Brandon Shallenberger N/A
James Sharcot 07
Alex Shaughnessy 24
Jeffrey Shea 73
Larry Sheeler 71
Samuel Sherlock 20
James Shevchuk
Gary Shields 77
Aaron Shifflett 16
William Shondelmyer 08
Randall Shreckengast 78
Keith Shreckengast
Thomas Sidey 51
William Sieck 72
Walter Sieminski 79
Larry Simpson 80
Chad Singiser 94
John Sittig
Jeffrey Skubick 09
Adam Slade 93
Douglas Slade 91
David Slagle 78
James Sloan 67
John Slocum 62
Benjamin Smith 06
G. David Smith 63
David Smith 23
Daniel Smith 88
Timothy Smith 92
Robert Smith 93
Martin Smith 95
Randall Smith
Lance Snow 96
Howard Snyder 68
Glenn Soden 72
Richard Space 69
Martin Spangenberg
James Speer 62
Russell Spence 69
Timothy Spicer 22
Thomas Spiker 93
Raymond Splitstone
Robert Sprague 64
Ali Srour 21
Brant St Clair
Barry Staats 62
Gardner Stahlman 61
Leighton Stamps 69
Eric Stanley
Andrew Star 07
Andrew Starosta
Robert Stauffer 78
Timothy Steel 82
Keith Steele
Lee Stefanis
Gregory Thomas Steines 05
Bradley Steines 05
Brett Steinmiller 19
Daniel Stephenson 12
John Stevenson 68
Timothy Stewart 19
John Stewart 56
Joseph Stewart 63
John Stewart 63
Nicholas Stewart 95
John Stey 67
James Stey 69
John Still 74
Brandon Stocker 12
Edwin Stohrer 82
David Stolarik 69
Mark Stolzenbach 81
Bob Stone
John Stoner 83
Terry Stoops 90
Brent Stouffer 94
John Stoyle 58
Robert Stranahan 75
David Straub 69
Phillip Stravino 93
Robert Streeter 84
Douglas Strohl 67
Chad Stuempges 96
Robert Stump 65
Andrew Sullivan 78
Gregory Suszkowski
Paul Swanhart
Mark Swank 77
Gary Swanson 88
Shane Swigart 12
Andrew Swogger 99
Peter Tamblyn 77
Matthew Tarbay
Frederick Tarr 62
Bryan Taylor 98
Carl Teets 73
Bruce Thalmann 88
Jeffri Theys 72
Daniel Thiessen 78
David Thimons 75
Patrick Thomas 11
Bradley Thomas 13
William Thompson 75
Domenic Tiani
Jacob Tibi 18
Marcus Tokar 24
Ty Tolerton
James Tompkins
John Toperzer 87
Steven Totin 14
Scott Trail 82
John Treacy 75
Philip Tripoli 86
James Tuccio 85
Barry Unis 08
Alan Uphold 87
Joseph Urciuoli 70
Richard Urmston
Gerald Utter 65
A. Chris VanNort 92
Patrick Varley 86
Daniel Vasil 81
Robert Vavrinak 12
Joseph Veres 72
Donald Vincent 66
Randy Volchko 89
Adam Volkstadt
Lane Voytik 24
Robert Wagner 83
Edward Wagoner 84
Gerard Waidley
George Walker 66
William Walker
Evan Wall 14
Timothy Walters 86
Andrew Warren 65
Eugene Watkins 72
Robert Watson 70
Romance Watson
Thomas Watson
Paul Weadon 64
Benjamin Weagraff 16
David Weaver 91
Chad Weaver 92
Frank Weaver
Douglas Webb 65
Benjamin Webber
C. Weber 64
Richard Weber 67
Bruce Weber 80
Douglas Webster 64
Linda Webster 77
Christopher Weichman 89
Brennen Weidl
Jeffery Weigle 91
Jon Welker
Nicholas Wells 00
James C. Welsh 11
Joshua Wentz
Darryl West 74
Mark Whitsel 96
Barry Wickes 77
C. Wierman 59
Paul Wierman
Ronald Wigand 70
John Wilkie 78
Michael Wilkinson 13
Anne Will 89
Kendall Williams 16
David Williams 74
Bruce Williams 83
Mark Williams 92
John Williams
Christopher Wills 94
Aaron Wilson 17
James Wilson 62
Frederick Wilson 63
William Wilson 67
John Wilson 76
William Wilson 78
Thomas Wilson 89
Brian Wilson
David Windsor 19
John Winger 16
Kevin Winski 85
Jeffrey Wirth
Tod Wirtz 80
Brent Witgen
Jeffrey Witkowski 99
John Woffington 66
Robert Wohlwend 83
Alan Wood 89
Charles Woodman 79
Daniel Wren 07
Jack Wright 62
Robert Wright 79
James Yahner 78
Edwin York 53
James Youdas 70
Kyle Youmans 21
Thomas Zahniser 85
George Zepernick 68
Daniel Ziegler 18
Andrew Ziegler 14
Scott Zimmermann
Gregory Zivkovich 13
John Zupanovich 74